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will sitting too much kill you

Why Sitting Too Much Can Lead To An Early Death

Sitting too much? If so it might be time to rethink how much time you’re spending behind your desk or sitting on that couch!

A new study found that the more you sit, the higher your risk of all-cause mortality. But wait, it’s not all bad news. It depends on how much you’re moving each week!

In this study researchers followed over 6,000 adults for 6 years. And guess what? Those who were less active and sat more had a much higher risk of death.

Check this out—sitting 8 or more hours a day plus little to no activity meant a 73% higher risk of dying from any cause. And sitting 6 to 8 hours? That risk shot up to 180%!

But here’s the good news! If you’re getting at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, the risks of sitting don’t seem to apply!

Take home point? For health and longevity, keep moving and exercising, especially as you age, like your life depends on it….because it does!

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